2024 Builder’s Luncheon Highlights

On May 9, leaders in the Orange County construction industry gathered for Hope Builders’ annual Builder’s Luncheon, raising over $144,000 to help prepare the future construction workforce to launch their careers. Nearly 100 attendees joined up to support Hope Builders’ mission and network with industry peers.
Upon arrival, trainees led guests on tours of Hope Builders’ 10,000 square foot construction training facility, showcasing the skills they work to master during their 12-week training course. Trainees also enjoyed the opportunity to network with attendees and learn more about industry experiences.

As the program commenced, guests enjoyed a delicious BBQ lunch while listening to remarks from Carlos Gonzalez, Division President at Clark Construction and Hope Builders’ Chairman of the Board; Michael Konetzke, Business Unit Leadership Team at DPR Construction; and Mike Myers, Regional President at McCarthy Building Companies. Each host shared their motivations for their involvement, all emphasizing the belief that Hope Builders effectively addresses the persistent challenges faced by youth and employers in Orange County.
The event concluded with an inspiring speech by Cesario, a recent graduate of the Hope Builders construction training program. Cesario candidly discussed his previous struggles with accessing a career with growth potential. Cesario decided to enroll in the program at the encouragement of his brother, a Hope Builders graduate, and successful tradesman. During training, Cesario acquired the mentorship, hard skills and life skills training necessary for success in the construction industry. His drive and communication skills helped him secure a job as Laborer, with Clark Construction, a hiring partner of Hope Builders Career Connections, the organization’s social enterprise staffing agency.
Cesario expressed his gratitude, sharing, “I enjoy job stability and know I have room to grow. It feels great to be part of a crew I get along with and work for a company that cares about me.” He concluded by thanking everyone in attendance for their support and announced his own $1,000 donation to support future trainees.

Thank you to all who contributed financially to making this year’s event a tremendous success! Your generosity is paving a pathway to prosperity, and we couldn’t do our work without your support. To learn more about how to participate in our 10 Days for Launching Careers campaign, please contact Saray Pallares at 714-543-5105 ext. 126.