Anaheim Grand Opening

Hope Builders celebrated the grand opening of its new facility in Anaheim on April 28. By expanding into Anaheim, Hope Builders expects to double the number of young people that it serves annually and address local workforce demands for skilled, entry-level employees.
Guests toured the nearly 10,000 square feet of space that houses Hope Builders’ onsite construction and healthcare training programs. Hope Builders plans to add an additional training program that specifically addresses the needs of Anaheim employers by 2018.
Leslye M., a recent Hope Builders healthcare trainee, shared her incredible story on how her experience in the program has enabled her to find employment as a medical assistant and support her family. “Before Hope Builders, I was just living day-to-day. Hope Builders has helped me carve a path for my future. I feel confident, and I feel important.”
Following the testimonial, Mayor Tom Tait of Anaheim cut the ribbon to unveil the donor wall—beautifully crafted with wooden blocks.
Thank you to all of our guests for your ongoing support. With your help, we plan to double our services to more than 700 local youth annually.
To view photos from the Grand Opening, please click here.
To read more about our expansion into Anaheim, please click here.