Behr-Creating Career Opportunities

Hope Builders appreciates Behr Paint Company’s generous Platinum Sponsorship of the 10 Days of Building a Pathway to Prosperity campaign.
We had a chance to catch up with Jeff Filley, President, Behr Paint Company, to discuss its partnership with Hope Builders. Why does the Behr Paint Company sponsor Hope Builders?
Behr Paint Company believes in Hope Builders’ mission of teaching, training, mentoring, and creating career opportunities for local youth, who are looking for a fresh start. Behr is a strong believer in helping at the community level, and this is a primary focus for the training provided at Hope Builders.
- What priorities/initiatives are important to Behr Paint Company when deciding where you’ll make philanthropic investments?
Behr supports local charities that align with our values of doing the right thing, supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion, and where our people have the opportunity to get involved through volunteerism. Behr also considers charities whose missions relate in some way to our products such as housing, community improvement and beautification, and in the case of Hope Builders, construction trades training. In fact, we have assisted Hope Builders in developing a painting curriculum for their construction trades students.
- What aspect/fact/program of Hope Builders do you wish more people knew about?
The very high job-placement rate, the competitive salaries earned at those jobs, and the fact that many young people are given a second chance at Hope Builders to launch their careers. This is highly motivating for us and such an important part of the Hope Builders’ success story.