Supporters Connect with Young Adults at Networking Event

On Thursday, November 10, Hope Builders was happy to welcome an engaged group of friends and supporters to “Connect Over Coffee” at our Anaheim site.
It was a lively and fun morning where folks had the opportunity to mix and mingle with Hope Builders’ current Medical Assisting trainees to help them hone their skills by participating in a speed networking activity.
“It’s very inspiring to see that you all are helping people to obtain a career. The conversations I had were really great and made me realize that I’m very grateful to be in this program. This event helped me improve my social skills and get over my anxiety of speaking,” shared healthcare trainee Jose M.
We’re tremendously grateful for the support we received from our generous donors – thank you! We look forward to seeing you at the next “Connect Over Coffee” with the Construction trainees in January!
For more information about Hope Builders and other ways to get involved, please contact Jessica Hubner, Donor Relations Manager at 714-543-5105, Ext. 124 or jhubner@tsjhopebuilders.org.