COVID-19 Update

In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, Hope Builders remains dedicated to empowering Orange County’s young adults with the mentorship, life skills and job skills training that meet the needs of employers. The agency is following official recommendations regarding limiting the spread and impact of COVID-19 to ensure the well-being of our community.
Hope Builders is taking a proactive approach to ensure the safety of our staff, trainees, volunteers, employers and overall community in the following ways:
Training Programs
- We are offering our training programs in a hybrid learning format, combining face-to-face instruction with web-based online learning as well as virtual case management, therapy and career readiness courses to continue to promote professional development and healthy behaviors.
- We are currently accepting applications for all academies.
- While onsite, staff and trainees will be required to pass a health screening before entry and follow sanitation, cleaning and social distancing procedures. Additionally. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided.
- Our Board of Directors and Leadership Team are carefully monitoring state and local guidelines for in-person events. We anticipate a revised format for our annual Builders’ Luncheon and Light Up A Life gala.
- All volunteer events, including mock interviews, will be held virtually until further notice. Please contact Jessica Pollum at jpollum@tsjhopebuilders.org or (714) 543-5105 ext. 124 if you are interested in participating in virtual volunteer events.
We have increased telecommuting options to ensure our staff’s safety. The staff members listed below are ready and able to answer any questions you may have:
Current Trainees:
If you have a question to your specific coursework, please contact your training supervisor:
- Construction: John Puckett, jpuckett@tsjhopebuilders.org or 714-543-5105 ext. 234 orGabriela Pierce, gpierce@tsjhopebuilders.org
- Clinical Medical Assting: Sofia Diaz, sdiaz@tsjhopebuilders.org or 714-543-5105 ext. 157
- Behavioral Technician: Shelby Norberg, snorberg@tsjhopebuilders.org
- Information Technology: Joey Renert, jrenert@tsjhopebuilders or 714-543-5105 ext. 140
- If you have a question related to your internship or current employment, please contact Maria Avila at mavila@tsjhopebuilders.org or 714-543-5105 ext. 137
Prospective Applicants:
- If you are interested in applying to one of our training programs, but would like to learn more, please contact Miguel Canto at mcanto@tsjhopebuilders.org or 714-543-5105 ext. 302
- If you need assistance with the application process, please contact Cinthia Torres at ctorres@tsjhopebuilders.org or 714-543-5105 ext. 101
- If you are interested in providing a paid internship or hiring one of our trainees, please contact Liza Cruz at lcruz@tsjhopebuilders.org.
- We are still accepting donations both online and through mail
Please address all mail to:Hope BuildersP.O. Box 685Santa Ana, CA 92701
- For questions concerning online donations or any other questions concerning financial giving, please contact Jessica Pollum at jpollum@tsjhopebuilders.org or 714-543-5105 ext. 124
We thank you for your understanding and support during this tough time. Please check back here for any updates.