Michelle Arcos is 23 years old. She and her three siblings grew up in Santa Ana. Their parents were very careful and whenever the neighborhood started getting rough, they would move to a new apartment.
At 16, she started working to help support her family. When she graduated from high school, she knew that she wanted to have a career, but she couldn’t afford college and wasn’t sure how to get started. A friend told her about Taller San Jose Hope Builders.
She worked closely with her Support Specialist, to build her confidence, prepare her resume and practice her interviewing skills.
Michelle enrolled in the Business Applications program and, throughout her training she worked closely with her Support Specialist to build her confidence, prepare her resume and practice her interviewing skills. One week after Michelle completed training, she started working part-time as a receptionist at Guaranty Chevrolet in Santa Ana. After several months, Michelle was promoted to a full-time employee and, after five years, is now the head cashier.
Michelle came to Hope Builders looking for guidance. What she got was the chance to realize her full potential.
Read Miguel’s story, another example of enduring transformation »