Step 1 in The Journey towards Hope: the Applicant Stage

Hope Builders successfully enrolled 334 trainees over the prior 12 months. To better understand how the team selects just 334 from over 1400 applications, we asked Ericka Rios Streitz, Hope Builders’ Admissions Manager, to walk us through the enrollment process.
How many applicants apply for each training session?
Typically, we have around 130 applicants for each cohort. Unfortunately, we can only enroll a maximum of 26 students in each class, so the admissions team has the difficult task of screening for readiness.
What does the enrollment process look like from start to finish before they begin the program?
The process follows the following steps:
- An interest form is submitted either online or in-person
- An application, and supporting documentations, is completed
- A tour of the training facility is conducted
- A one-on-one interview takes place
- Drug screening is cleared
- Those who demonstrate readiness are invited to attend a one-week Orientation
The Admissions team works with each applicant to guide them through the steps and continuously assesses for readiness and motivation.
Every applicant’s journey is unique. Some apply and get started right away. While others reapply repeatedly and are not truly ready to attend orientation YEARS after initial interest.
How would you describe the role of the Admission’s team?
Our job is not to weed people out and stop them from enrolling, we are here to support the successful enrollment of young adults. Even when a candidate is not selected to move forward, Admissions continues to work with applicants to address their barriers by providing resources such as tutoring and workshops for budgeting and applying for a driver’s license.
How long is the enrollment process?
The process can easily be completed in a week or less, but several factors can extend the timeline, such as the date an applicant applies in comparison to the training start date, as well as admissions availability and the applicants’ motivation. Some applicants are more eager to get the process going, while others need time to get childcare or job schedules rearranged.
How would you describe an ideal candidate?
We seek to enroll applicants that are motivated and show they are ready to commit to the rigors of our training programs.
We look for applicants that are actively participating in the process, are on-time to appointments, follow instructions, make progress in eliminating initial barriers, and ultimately, demonstrate their readiness to change.
Hope Builders invests significantly in the mentorship, life skills and job skills training each trainee needs to launch their careers and meet the needs of local employers. From the first step in the below Student Journey, we work to build their confidence and marketability to propel them toward greatness.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering or investing in a young life at Hope Builders please contact Krista Langford at klangford@tsjhopebuilders.org