Supplemental Health Care

Hope Builders is proud to recognize Supplemental Health Care as a Premier sponsor of 10 Days for Launching Careers.
In addition to their generous financial support, Supplemental Health Care leadership assists with volunteer recruitment for mock interviews to best prepare trainees for future employer screenings and provides pro-bono consulting to Hope Builders to grow its social enterprise staffing agency—Hope Builders Career Connections (HBCC). Both organizations remain focused on connecting motivated and caring talent to employers that will help fulfill their life purpose—serving others.
When discussing Supplemental Health Care’s philanthropic investment in Hope Builders, Brett Johnson, VP of Human Resources, expressed the importance of partnering with organizations that share their mission and cultural values. “Our four cultural pillars include—a culture of caring, healthcare expertise, serving a broad continuum of care and high tech and high touch—this makes Hope Builders the perfect match. We are proud to positively impact the young men and women of Hope Builders as they train and prepare to launch their careers. We believe in investing in the future workforce for healthcare.”
Below, hear from Supplemental Health Care’s VP of Marketing as he reflects on the early days of his own career and first day nerves.
Hope Builders is grateful to Supplemental Health Care for helping to transform the lives of trainees as a Premier sponsor of 10 Days for Launching Careers.