Tait & Associates, Inc.

Hope Builders is grateful to Tait & Associates for their Platinum sponsorship of 10 Days for Launching Careers.
In alignment with their mission to build a better future for generations to come, Tait & Associates has partnered with Hope Builders for more than 20 years to launch its young adults on a pathway to prosperity.
Tom Tait, CEO of Tait & Associates and former mayor of Anaheim, shared his motivation for supporting Hope Builders. “I asked Hope Builders to come to Anaheim because I knew what they did. If you really want to fix something you find out what the root cause is. So much of what impacted our community’s youth was lack of opportunity and lack of a job…those are the essential things that Hope Builders provides.” Thank you, Tait & Associates, for your generous support and continuous investment in Hope Builders as Platinum sponsors of 10 Days for Launching Careers.