The Ultimate Interviewer

Hope Builders works hard to prepare trainees to find employment. In 2015, 77% of Hope Builders youth who complete our training found employment. One major focus within employment readiness is interviewing skills. Since many trainees have not experienced a professional interview, Hope Builders sets up a simulation of a job interview where our trainees get interviewed by business professionals. Prior to participating in these mock interviews, trainees learn interview tips and techniques through a game called The Ultimate Interviewer. The Ultimate Interviewer allows trainees to prepare and practice for an interview in a fun and dynamic way.
One week before The Ultimate Interviewer, the trainees are given a fictitious job position relating to their industry, a fictitious company with a detailed background, and possible interview questions. On the day of The Ultimate Interviewer, the class is split up into two teams. Each team must send up one representative to answer the interview question. Questions include:
- What type of management style do you prefer?
- Tell me about a time you went above and beyond at work.
- Why do you want to work for this company?
- How are you perfect for this position?
Each answer is evaluated by a panel of judges made up of Hope Builders volunteers, partners, and staff. After hearing both answers, the judges deliberate and announce who answered the question better. Each trainee is given individual feedback from the facilitator and the judges on their answer.
The Ultimate Interviewer is very beneficial for our trainees. When the trainees answer interview questions in front of their class, they receive positive reinforcement as well as constructive feedback from their peers. Furthermore, the game reinforces the tips the trainees have learned, helps the trainees to think on their feet, and makes trainees more comfortable with the interview process.
If you would like to volunteer to be a judge for The Ultimate Interviewer, please contact Sami Rothwell at srothwell@tsjhopebuilders.org.