Unlocking Greatness: Q1 and Q2 FY 24 Update

Hope Builders exists to unlock the greatness of young adults in our community.
In the last 6 months:
- Over 600 individuals applied to Hope Builders (compared to a total of 700 in the previous 12 months)
- 127 young adults successfully enrolled in training (goal: 121)
By June, we expect to:
- Receive more than 1,200 applications
- Enroll over 320 new trainees (up from 188 the year prior)
Under the strategic leadership of Shawna Smith, Hope Builders’ Executive Director, and Alex Calabrese, CEO of RSI Equity Partners and Vice Chairman of the Board and Chair of the Operations Committee, Hope Builders’ staff remains focused on achieving its growth goals.
Thank you for walking alongside Hope Builders to build a pathway to prosperity for Orange County young adults!