Clark Construction:

Hope Builders is proud to recognize Clark Construction Group, a national construction industry leader, as a Premier sponsor of 10 Days for Launching Careers.
Clark Construction’s longtime support of Hope Builders has been instrumental in our ability to prepare over 1,140 young adults for construction careers over the past 20 years. Once again, Clark Construction, along with DPR Construction and McCarthy Building Companies, co-hosted the 2022 Builder’s Luncheon—the fundraising kickoff event leading up to the 10 Days for Launching Careers campaign. The event brings Orange County construction leaders together in Hope Builders’ 10,000 square foot training facility to network, meet with current trainee, and, ultimately, support the future construction workforce in Orange County. With the leadership of Clark Construction and their co-hosts this year’s Builder’s Luncheon raised over $155,000!
Division President, Carlos Gonzalez, serves on the Executive Committee of Hope Builders’ Board of Directors bringing his expertise to ensure training best serves young adults looking to launch their careers and local employers in need of reliable and skilled talent. Carlos shares his own “First Day at Work” story below and encourages others to join him to help move Hope Builders’ students through mentored training programs to skilled employment.
Clark Construction team members also regularly support Hope Builders through participation in volunteer opportunities such as mock interviews to help prepare the future workforce of Orange County. Gonzalez, shares “What I have found from graduates of Hope Builders Construction training program is trainees are more reliable, more dependable, more honest, harder working and better equipped at the basic of construction skills.”
Thank you, Clark Construction, your ongoing and generous support of Hope Builders strengthens the Construction Training program ensuring trainees are best equipped to launch their careers in the construction industry. Learn more about 10 Days for Launching Careers here.