You Helped Grecia Launch her IT Career
During these uncertain times, Hope Builders is happy to share some good news. Thanks to your support, Grecia has launched her IT career! “Life kept getting in the way…” After she found out she was pregnant, it took Grecia a little bit longer to finish high school. She eventually graduated and hoped to one day…
Francisco is Rehired as an IT Technician!
Hope Builders is dedicated to sharing good news with you during the coronavirus pandemic. We just received word that Francisco, a graduate of Hope Builders’ Information Technology academy, was rehired by C3 Tech after they received a Payroll Protection Program loan! “It was a lot of work, but in the end, it was worth it.”…
Give to Support Emergency Funds for Hope Builders’ Trainees
For Hope Builders’ trainees, these unprecedented times—compounded by the conditions of poverty—result in great uncertainty and anxiety. We continue to provide virtual mentorship to ensure all our young adults are coping with their challenges in healthy and constructive ways. Business Applications 12 trainees are using personal and Hope Builders’ laptops to continue online coursework. Information…
Hope Builders Urgently Needs Your Help
Dear Community Members, Hope Builders urgently needs your help. I am particularly worried that our current trainees, who have demonstrated so much progress to date, risk falling even further behind. To make matters worse, Hope Builders has postponed its annual Builder’s Luncheon and is also projecting lower revenue through its social enterprise, leading to an anticipated shortfall of almost $300,000 through the end…