Vanessa’s Transformation: Transforming an Entire Family

When Vanessa first came to Hope Builders, she was afraid—years of failure and disappointment had taken their toll. Right after high school, Vanessa found out that she was pregnant. After getting married, Vanessa and her new husband, Kevin, rented a room in a home shared by five other families. It was all they could afford…


Partnering with Hope Builders is Good for Business

Community-based organizations like Hope Builders are the new front door to the workforce and community colleges. This was one of the major themes that emerged from a panel of construction, healthcare and education leaders, who participated in Hope Builders’ April 26th convening of local employers, educators and community investors. The group discussed challenges that Orange…


RSVP for the 2017 Investors’ Breakfast

Michael E. Balsamo serves as the Chief Executive Officer for the Building Industry Association of Southern California. Mike’s role is to lead BIA Southern California in advancing its mission to be the single voice of building and development in Southern California. BIASC is a regional trade association that represents more than 1,100 member companies within…


Hope Builders Honors Knights of Malta, Orange County Chapter

Hope Builders proudly congratulates Knights of Malta, Orange County Chapter on their recognition at the 2017 Spirit of Volunteerism Awards! Knights of Malta will be honored for their outstanding contribution to the community in the areas of workforce development and financial literacy. The Spirit of Volunteerism Awards will be held Monday, April 24, 2017 at…


At Hope Builders, More Youth Benefit from Better Programs

Read about how Hope Builders, equipped with improved capacity for learning and improvement and more robust programs, are engaging new funders and seizing emerging opportunities as a PropelNext grantee. Click on the image below to read more.


Supporters Engage with Youth Through Networking Event

“Connect Over Coffee was an excellent way to kick off a Friday morning,” said Opus Bank’s Community Impact Manager Jamie Hauer. “Students were well prepped and were a delight to meet. I look forward to the next round,” echoed Tom Honan, board chair. Hauer and Honan joined other Hope Builders’ supporters like Brookfield Residential, Disneyland,…


Irving’s Transformation: Invest in Hope, Invest in the Future

Irving enters a classroom of eager young men and women who just enrolled in Hope Builders 16-week construction training program. Not long ago, he sat in one of those seats, looking to build a better life. Today, he volunteers his time by sharing his story. His message to them is simple. Everyone here—classmates, staff and…


Jessica’s Transformation: Breaking Out of Poverty

Jessica organizes her desk at the end of her eight-hour day at work. Before going home to her apartment in Santa Ana, she picks up groceries at the market. She takes her 9-year-old daughter to her first dance class—her daughter is all smiles as they approach the dance studio together. This is Jessica’s new normal….


St. Joseph Health: Investing in the Health of Orange County

Taller San Jose Hope Builders is proud that St. Joseph Health—along with FMC Financial Group, Guaranty Chevrolet, JPMorgan Chase and SC Fuels—sponsor its recent Light Up A Life gala at the premier level. Like Hope Builders, St. Joseph Health is a ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. As such, both organizations share…


Inspiring Others to Invest in Hope: SC Fuels and the Greinke Family

This year, as Hope Builders’ 2016 Best of Friends Honoree and a Premier Sponsor of the Light Up A Life gala, the Greinke Family and SC Fuels invited their friends and colleagues to join them in supporting our work to prepare Orange County youth for the workplace. Margaret Greinke shared that 15 years ago, she…